At the Originator of Teppanyaki Steak Misono, we learn the international culture through the food and constantly make an effort to achieve better hospitality and further growth in the city of Kobe where people from all over the world have been welcomed throughout the 150 year old history of the Kobe Port.

The Originator of Teppanyaki Steak Misono is now serving the Halal Kobe Beef course meal at our Kobe main store. We have been receiving many requests of "I want to try Kobe Beef" from Muslims. We did a lot of research and went through a trial-and-error procedure in cooperation with various related associations and specialists. We carefully take the beliefs of Muslims into our consideration and maintained the quality of food at the same time as the originator of Teppainayki steak specialty store. Our Halal authorized Kobe Beef with a high rarity value will be cooked right in front you. We would like our customers to have this new steak course meal that we created with our sincerity together with people from Islamic areas for various occasions such as business dinner, other important meals, and the memory of a trip to Japan.
The rarity value of Halal Kobe Beef is very high and we may not be able to take your reservations depending on the availability of the beef. Thank you very much for your understanding.